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New distribution facility!

Paragon Bridge Works is pleased to announce that our first two railcars shipped out of our new distribution point in San Antonio, Texas!

The railcars were brought in via railroad, moving on their own wheels, into our new distribution point where they were stripped down, cleaned up, and stored for quick delivery. Once our client called, the railcars were loaded up and hauled off right to the clients job site. We only needed a few days to line everything up. It was a quick and easy project.

We have an excellent inventory of railcars in TEXAS!

The San Antonio facility mostly stocks 89' railcars and some 60' railcars. Give us a call to schedule your delivery. 

Clean cars, fast delivery, unsurpassed experience/knowledge!

The project where these railcars were delivered to needed a pretty basic bridge crossing. They needed fast, strong, and cost effective. We also provided the bearing kits which we delivered in our own company vehicle. 

The San Antonio facility was set up to deliver railcars for projects within Texas and neighboring states. Our freight rates are extremely competitive. 

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